Rachel Anderson Paul
Visiting Assistant Professor
Current Courses
PLSC 271, Intro to International Relations (Fall 2021)
PLSC 374, Comparative Foreign Policy (Fall 2021)
PLSC 383, Political Geography (Spring 2022)
PLSC 385, Nationalism, Genocide and Global Politics (Spring 2022)
Rachel Anderson Paul earned her Ph.D. from Miami University and has been a visiting professor at Western since Fall 2008. Professor Paul’s areas of specialty include Comparative Politics and International Relations. Her current research examines the role of ethnic lobbies and ethnic interest groups in American politics and foreign policy.
At Western, Professor Paul teaches courses in Political Geography, the Politics of Genocide, Women in Politics, and Comparative Foreign Policy, as well as a seminar in Political Science for the Honors Program.
Selected Publications
- Ethnic Lobbies and US Foreign Policy. 2008. Lynne Rienner.
- “No Place for a Woman: Evidence for Gender Bias in Evaluations of Presidential Candidates.” 2007. Basic and Applied Social Psychology 29: 225-233.
- “Serbian-American Mobilization and Lobbying: The Relevance of Jasenovac and Kosovo to Contemporary Grassroots Efforts in the United States.” 2002. In Ethnic Identity Groups and U.S. Foreign Policy, Thomas Ambrosio, ed. Praeger Press.
- "Grassroots Mobilization and Diaspora Politics: Armenian Interest Groups and the Role of Collective Memory." 2000. Nationalism & Ethnic Politics.