Holocaust and Genocide Studies Minor (HGST)

Holocaust and Genocide Studies students holding up declaration cards in front of the Red Square fountain

This minor combines historical understanding with a cross-disciplinary exploration of both the Holocaust and genocide, and other mass atrocities. Students studying the Holocaust and genocide from a variety of disciplines will learn the tools to analyze, understand, and differentiate their underlying complexities and to work towards their prevention. Historical understanding, cultivation of critical consciousness, cultural and linguistic competencies, ethical awareness as well as political acumen are synonymous with effective leadership and engaged citizenship in a diverse campus community and a democratic society. Thus, the minor will serve to give greater prominence on our campus to the relationship between the lessons derived from the Holocaust and contemporary global challenges.

Sandra Alfers

Director of the Ray Wolpow Institute for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity.

“Western is the first public university in the state with a minor in Holocaust and Genocide Studies,” says Sandra Alfers, Director of the Ray Wolpow Institute for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity. “It is another major accomplishment for us. Western is clearly starting to address state needs, particularly in light of the recently amended Washington State Senate Bill 5612, which strengthens Holocaust Education in Washington schools, including the teaching of genocide and crimes against humanity.”

Program Information

NEW! Starting in fall 2024, several news classes from a range of disciplines (e.g. Canadian-American Studies, Computer Science, Elementary Education, English, German, History, Global Humanities & Religions, Sociology, Environmental Sciences, Political Sciences, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies) have been added to the minor.

Check out all classes that count towards the minor in the WWU Catalog. To learn when they are offered access Classfinder.

How to Declare a Minor

There are no prerequisites for declaring the HGST Minor.

Fill out the Minor Declaration e-form and send it to akinrib@wwu.edu.

Summer Course Schedule 2024

Spring Course Information
Instructor Subject/Course CRN Title Days Class Time
Babafemi Akinrinade FAIR 334S 30899 Holocaust Film MWF 10-12:20 pm

Fall Course Schedule 2024

Fall Course Schedule: NEW! Starting this fall, you can choose from over fifty classes that count towards the HGST minor. Check out all classes that count towards the minor on the WWU Catalog. To learn when they are offered access Classfinder.

Advising Appointments

Until further notice, all advising appointments will be held via Zoom or Teams. To schedule a virtual advising appointment see below:

Advising Links
Advisors Contact Information
Prof. Babafemi Akinrinade


Prof. Sandra Alfers Email for Appointment


Advisors are available to assist you with questions about the content of the minor and course planning/sequencing.

Graduation Procedure for Minor Evaluations

Please contact Prof. Akinrinade for a minor evaluation two quarters prior to graduation. Provide your name and W# with your request and within 2-3 weeks, you will be contacted with your complete evaluation.